Category Archives: New Beats survey
The findings from our New Beats pilot study completed in 2013 have been published in the journal Journalism Practice. The article, “Where do journalists go after newsroom job cuts?” is…
In 2012 more than 1,000 Australian journalists became redundant. More than 500 more have taken a redundancy package since then. Where are they now? What will happen to them in…
This article was first published in The Conversation on Monday December 2, 2013. We’re republishing it in keeping with that site’s republishing guidlines. New beats: where do redundant journalists go?…
The New Beats project will be discussed at two sessions of the Journalism Education Association of Australia conference at the Sunshine Coast on Monday 2 December. The first of these,…
During September we are inviting any journalists who became redundant in Australia during 2012 to complete our first survey. The main aims of this survey are to find out what…
In 2012 more than 10% of Australian journalists became redundant. What are they doing now? And what impact will this enormous contraction of the journalism workforce have on the future…